Durant la quatrième édition de notre festival annuel Syrien n'est Fait, CODSSY a organisé la réalisation d'une fresque en live peinte par la talentueuse Diala Brisly. Cette toile, que l'artiste a peinte durant les 5 jours du festival, sera envoyée dans une école-tente d' Alphabet.
CODSSY, founded in Paris 22 October 2012, is a humanitarian non-governmental, non-profit humanitarian organisation.
CODSSY’s mission is to bring emergency aid to victims of the Syrian conflict no matter their ethnicity, confession or socio-economic status. Faced with the scale and the variety of needs of the affected populations, CODSSY provides support in the fields of health, nutrition, education, psychology, and legal assistance. With its member organisations, CODSSY is active in Syria and the neighbouring countries.
CODSSY works with non-governmental actors in the areas no longer controlled by the Syrian regime or areas where the authorities no longer have the capacity to offer services. CODSSY’s approach responds to different objectives fixed with the aim of the redeployment of aid into Syria or the countries where Syrians find refuge.
Work Ethic
Promotion of Cooperation
In order to encourage cohesion and solidarity among the civil society, CODSSY emphasizes working in networks and coordinates its activities with other bodies and local actors who share its values and vision. CODSSY empowers Syrians to remain the actors of their own destiny. It plays a role of filter and support in the development and implementation of projects.
CODSSY regularly publishes project reports on is website showing what was done, where and when and how much it cost. These reports keep the donors informed of what is going on. We work in the following manner:
1- Justifying expenditure
For each project, the implementing partners in the field are required to submit receipts for all expenditure made.
2- Reports
The project officers must submit to CODSSY activity reports that clearly state how funds have been used, the number of persons benefitting from the project and a description of the activities. Photos and videos are also required (where possible). CODSSY publishes these reports on its website, once details that may put in danger the project officers or the beneficiaries have been removed.
3- Field evaluations
CODSSY carries out field visits for project situated out Syria (Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey). During these visits, CODSSY meets with local actors, verifies the implementation of projects and works with partners to study how best to respond to the needs.
4- Project Sustainability
CODSSY supports, advises and finances projects that aim for the development of society and provide education. For this purpose, it acts as an “incubator”, and supports projects so that they can eventually find external support. With the help of CODSSY micro-initiatives or emerging projects have subsequently secured funds from other donors.
5- Project Viability
Given the stalemate in the conflict in Syria, CODSSY gives priority to projects that are viable in the medium and long term to maximize their effect and multiply their impact. For each project, a complete proposal with a questionnaire must be completed. CODSSY helps partners in the field and member associations in the development of a project over a specified period of time and with a set budget. CODSSY only works with project partners who are verified as being reliable, either through a member organisation or a recognized partner. CODSSY then proceeds to check the following:
- Identification of the project officers
- The project officers must have shown experience and proved their capacity to manage humanitarian projects.
- The project must have a humanitarian or development goal, a priority is given to projects providing education to children.
- The project beneficiaries must be clearly defined.
- The organisation must show it has the capacity to lead the project in reasonable time and in the circumstances.
- Verification of other funding sources of the project (if any)
- Definition of the monitoring and evaluation and reporting methods and deadlines.
In the monthly meetings of CODSSY’s board, the projects are studied. Every project that does not meet the conditions is taken out of the selection process. The projects that do meet the conditions are put to vote by the board.