Grouping for Syrian Development and Aid
We, the Syrian grouping for aid, born of the coordination of efforts on behalf of several Syrian associations for aid to civilians, declare that our ultimate aim is to support our people and alleviate its suffering in all of its aspects.
Founding Declaration:
Convinced of the necessity of federating our efforts for common action and taking into account the emergency of efficient and organized aid in order to support our people enduring calamity and disaster; in order to provide humanitarian aid with the aim of supporting the Syrian revolution, we call all Syrian organizations working in this field to join our group, so as to work together and independently of any political affiliation. Our objectives are humanitarian, they focus on support for the people in order to alleviate its suffering and help it to come out of this ordeal created by the regime’s violence and barbarity. The grouping was also created because the international community has completely ignored us, and because all effective presence in Syria of international humanitarian organisations is lacking or because they are incapable of taking care of their responsibilities, leaving the people powerless against killings, destruction and forced displacement. The grouping was founded following agreements made by Syrian organizations for humanitarian assistance. Paris has been chosen as the seat for common action and for administration of our operations for aid and development, in coordination with various donors and the parties concerned within the country and in refugee locations. The aid and support brought to civilians will be for all the components of the people, without any discrimination whatsoever.